Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 8: October 8, 2011

Daniel had very good night.  ICPs stayed stable.  Temperature is down from 101 to 97.6 as indicated in early days update.  4:00am x-ray showed that his right lung had minimal mucus.   When Daniel maintains his ICPs for 24hrs they will take him off of full coma.  WE ARE THERE!!! 9:30am they took Daniel off the barbiturate drug (full coma).  It will take one hour to get it out of his system.  Watch, wait and monitor to see how he does.
Daniel did not take well to the change.  Throughout the day temperature rose to 101, ICPs maintained in the low 30's and heart rate up 105 to 109 (best range is mid to high 80's).  Right lung was given some concern with mucus. Suctioned twice throughout the day.  7:00pm Daniel was put back on the barbiturate drug (full coma). Throughout the night Daniel leveled back down. 


  1. Yes! Keep the fight up Daniel. We are cheering for you with all our family's might!

  2. AMEN!!!!!!!!! I prayed so hard last night glad he
    Is stable We will be praying for the best today
    DO IT . WE will check in later. GOD BLESS YOU
    ALL praying all day today God is working his Mie
    Miracle for Daniel I can feel it soon we will see that
    LOVE THE Walters Family

  3. Daniel you are amazing!!! You have a huge cheerleading team on your side! All our love & prayers.
    The Bodily Family

  4. What wonderful news. Let's hope and pray for the best.

  5. I believe you have a marvelous medical team working for you--another one of Father's blessings. I know that Father in Heaven hears and answers our prayers. I know that he hears our prayers for you and Daniel. We are all watching, waiting, and praying that all will be well.

  6. AWESOME NEWS MATT, we'll keep watching for more great news! Our thoughts remain with you all.
    Doug and Susie Barth

  7. So very thrilled with his progress! Prayer works!! Oh the tender mercies! We love you guys!!

  8. The Dano I know and love is feisty enough to get through this.

    Karen Ulmer

  9. My prayers are with you Daniel and with your family. We all love you all so very much.

  10. We are all watching and excited to hear this news. Thank you for the posts and information on Daniel's progress. It sounds like he is coming out of it. We will keep him in our prayers as always. Good Luck, Daniel.

  11. We are checking every day for more news...Our prayers are with you Dano.
