Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 21: October 21, 2011

No real change today.  Mom says he was very social with his visitors today, by social we mean big smiles for everyone!  In therapy today Daniel stood on his own!
Daniel's brother, Matt Jr., had a chat with him today.  They talked about eyebrows and if you could raise just one of your eyebrows.  Daniel responded by showing him how.  They also talked about scrunched noses and wiggling ears.  Daniel's response to these was showing junior up.  Mom got a kick out of them making facial responses to each other!


  1. continuous prayers for further progress...

  2. Awesome news every day, we love following any progress and all the great updates!
    Best wishes Busick family!
    The Barth's

  3. That is great news. We love reading the updates and seeing Danile's progress. Praying for continuous progress . God Bless you all Love the Walter's Family
