Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7: October 7, 2011

After Daniel's high climb of ICPs last night, he has had good balanced ICPs.  Temperature at 101.  4:20am x-ray taken for precautions of right lung filling with mucus.  7:30am ICPs climb slowly.  8:45am suctioned right lung of mucus.  Mucus is clear, no sign of infection.  They will begin to suction it out more often as it develops to maintain ICPs.  Daniel seems to be adapting well to removing mucus.  Oxygen was at 80 percent yesterday he is now set back up to 100 percent oxygen.
Everything has been good and stable for the rest of the morning.
Afternoon has been very good.  Oxygen reduced to 70 percent.  ICP numbers steady throughout the whole afternoon.  Overall it has been a very good day, hopeful.  If everything stays stable they will be able to take him out of his full coma tomorrow.  However, keep in mind it will be an all day process.  We are optimistic that we will be able to start the process.  Mom and Dad left the hospital for the first time today for a good home cooked meal with family.  We want to let all of you know that your fasting, prayers and thoughts have been and are felt.


  1. Thanks again for the update!! We'll continue to pray for more improvements. Daniel's obviously an incredibly strong young man!

  2. I am following updates and keeping in close contact with Sister Houston. My prayers and thoughts are with you always. M.C.

  3. Grateful for any amount of progress. We are thinking of you every minute and praying for you all. We love you guys!

    Nick & Tara

  4. Thank you for the updates.We look forward to them evey day and following Danile's progress. We will contiune to pray for more improvements and for Daniel to wake up soon and smile and start joking with us all again. We are thinking of you all every minute of the day and praying for you all . Take care of yourselves and get some rest and stay strong. WE LOVE YOU ALL GOD BLESS. Danile sounds like a strong kid I have faith that he will pull through this.
    The Walters Family,
    Tammi Darryl Ashley and Cody

  5. Matt & Becky,
    We are so grateful for the daily updates. It has been a blessing for Morgan to know how Dainel has been doing. Morgan is missing him dearly. We are truly praying every day for his full recovery. Be Strong in the Lord and Never Give Up Hope! It is the Lord's will as we know. Love and Prayers to your whole family!
    The Bodily Family,
    Ramael, Laura, Morgan & Ashley

  6. Our family is so excited to hear of the progress Dan has made. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.

  7. That is Awesome news hoping for more improvements
    Tomorrow off to sleep have a good night GOD BLESS

  8. Busick Family, We want you to know from New York to California, Daniel is constantly on our minds. Thank you for updating us daily. We wait anxiously to hear how Daniel is doing. We are praying for him and your whole family. We love you!
    Love the Jolliver-Taylor Families
