Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 3: October 3, 2011

This is where it all started phone call to parents 3:23am.  Parents are staying in a fifth wheel trailer in the hospital parking lot.  Head nurse stated they need to see them right away.  Daniel's ICPs went to well over 80 which is four times higher than where it should be regulated at.  Oxygen level went from 40 to four.  This condition lasted five to seven minutes.  With an overall 15 minutes of over 80 ICPs.  Doctor indicated to parents severe brain damage, "I'm sorry nothing more can be done."  Due to the fact, his older brother was arriving 5pm that afternoon, consideration was given to keep him in the medically induced coma so his brother could have closure.  Parents left, after a very short time his ICPs came back in line, oxygen levels came back in line as well as brain activity.  The head doctor stated, "we are not giving up on this young man" and "we need to have hope."  What a roller coaster ride for Daniel, family, friends and loved ones.   After all that occurred this day the head doctor stated, "It's been a good day" of improvement for Daniel.

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