Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 23: October 23, 2011

Daniel's glucose levels (sugar levels) are better today.  However, they are still not where they should be.  His glucose levels got as low as 33 last night and as high as 200 today (70 - 120 is normal).  His temperature has also gotten better but is still at a high of 99.  Daniel's heart rate is also still at a high of 130, although, he has been able to go from three heart medications down to one medication.  Also the MRI from the other day showed some swelling on the brain.  Highlights for today: Today was endurance day in physical therapy which means Daniel had to sit in a normal chair for two hours.  Also Daniel got a walker and walked 90 feet with a nurse on each side.  He is having a little trouble holding his head up but made it nonetheless.  Daniel was asked by his Uncle Ernie if he wanted his face shaved and he nodded his head yes.  Mom says he looks more like her Daniel now.  Our goal for Daniel is to move him from ICU to a normal room by Monday or Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Matt and Rebecca: Sarah and I have been following your posts since Aunt Kathy told us of them and you are all in our daily prayers. We are encouraged by the measurable progress Daniel has made. Thank you for including us all in your daily posts. We each look forward to them and our feelings soar and wane with his progress and setbacks. It will be a long journey, but one Faith can certainly sustain
    Uncle Paul
