Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 31: October 31, 2011

Now that the tracheotomy is out, Daniel's swallowing continues to improve.  His diet has been changed to thin liquids-mechanical soft.  Daniel has been asking for a drink of water since Thursday, now that his diet has changed he can have water.  Cool!  Another great thing we are watching develop, now that Daniel's tracheotomy is out, is his voice is getting stronger.  Daniel's stability continues to improve.  He is allowed to walk to the bathroom and a short distance to the dinning room for meals without assistance.
Over the last couple of days Daniel has been staring at his banner that is hanging on his wall and the nurses board which is in his room and on his walks he stops to look at things that are on bulletin boards.  Today he asked for a book and he read one chapter.  After reading his chapter his eyes were burning and he felt that was enough for today.  Daniel is an avid reader and this was so exciting to see.  During one of Daniel's walks,  Daniel took a trip down to ICU to see the doctors and nurses that took care of him for the last month.  Wow!!!!! Were they excited to see him.  One of the doctors said, "Can I shake your hand young man.  I've been waiting to do this."  One of the nurses stated, "This is why we do what we do."  There were tears of joy!  Daniel had a visit today from one of the nurses who was with him when he was airlifted to the hospital.   He had heard Daniel was out of ICU and wanted to see this young man.  He was grateful to see Daniel out of ICU and in the condition he is in now because he didn't think Daniel would make it.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 30: October 30, 2011

It has been one long month for everyone, especially for Daniel.  When they say today is a day of rest Daniel is literally taking it as a day of rest.  He is completely exhausted from the last three days of rehab.  He took a nice two hour nap after breakfast this morning.  We are counting his calories starting today on all of Daniel's food intake.  It will be a three day process so we can get him off of his feeding tube.  Watching Daniel for the last three days in rehab, his long term memory seems to be intact.  However his short term memory is out the window but we think it's starting to get better. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 29: October 29, 2011

Mentally today has been a difficult day for Daniel.  Not so much at night but his therapy through out the day is exhausting him.  Occupational therapy was difficult for Daniel, doing puzzle/PVC building structure.  Daniel has had mixed thoughts through out most of the day as he is aware of current on goings and his past memories.  He is still on the same diet.  This afternoon at 4:00pm Daniel had his tracheotomy removed.  So the last thing we have hooked up is his gut feeding tube.  Which there is no planned date to remove.  We need to increase his food intake and his stamina.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 28: October 28, 2011

Late afternoon/last night for Daniel's physical therapy he got rid of his walker.  On his therapy walks he has a person on each side holding his arms and supporting his back, which can be family not just a therapist.  During his physical therapy today Daniel walked four steps up on stairs and four steps down, with support of two people and a hand rail.  Later today he will try a full set of stairs.  Also in physical therapy Daniel did hand eye coordination techniques.  This tired out Daniel quickly, saying his head hurt.  It was time for a nap.  Things we take for granted.  Daniel's diet was upgraded today to nector-thick/neurosoft.  So for lunch he had a sloppy joe and he called it real food!  Daniel is getting better with speech therapy, his voice is starting to develop.  It is a little bit better than lip reading.  During speech therapy an administrative nurse came into Daniel's room looking for his social security number and Daniel rattled it off to her.  Wow!
Since Daniel's accident and now that he is in rehab he has lost 23lbs mostly in muscle mass.  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 27: October 27, 2011

Many things are changing for Daniel now that he is in rehab.  He is doing three types of therapy which are physical, speech and occupational therapy.   9:30am they put a cap on his tracheotomy, this is a 48hr process.  If everything remains well they will take his tracheotomy out.   Since they capped of his tracheotomy he no longer have his oxygen tube attached.  This will make it more comfortable for him to sleep at night.   11:30am Daniel also had his IV line removed from his right arm.  Daniel's diet is honey-thick/puree.  Daniel had his first meal at lunch today.  They don't want him to eat all of it (he still has his feeding tube in his gut not butt).  So for lunch today he had mashed potatoes with turkey gravy, puree peas, lemon pudding and thickened water and milk.  He did pretty good.  During his meal they are watching how he swallows.  This is his first time swallowing food.  Things that we take for granted, Daniel is learning how to do all over again.  Things have been slow but good.  The occupational therapist is helping Daniel with his first shower since the accident today.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 26: October 26, 2011

Daniel didn't walk today, actually he didn't do any physical therapy because he has been feeling nauseous all day.  He did get some medication to help him so he won't throw up.  Daniel was taken off the insulin drip and his glucose levels are now being monitored with shots, in preparation to move him out of ICU.  Good news at 4:30pm Daniel was moved out of ICU!  He is now on the rehabilitation floor!  It has been a slow process with lots of watching and monitoring.  Tomorrow they are plugging Daniel's tracheotomy in order to start speech therapy.  Yesterday Daniel's brother asked him if he knew who he was and Daniel mouthed "Matt".  Mom then asked him what relationship Matt was to him and Daniel mouthed "brother".  Matt then asked him if he was his favorite brother and Daniel shook his head no.  Matt's response was "what, I'm your only brother" and Daniel smiled at him.  It was a neat experience to hear about and know that Daniel is still teasing his older brother.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 25: October 25, 2011

Daniel walked another 200 feet with his walker and assistants today!  The speech therapist came in and asked him what his last name is, Daniel mouthed "Busick".  His occupational therapist came in and with some assistance Daniel put his sock on.  He is becoming more and more aware of everything with each day!  We were hoping Daniel could move out of ICU to the rehabilitation floor today but he is not quite ready.  His glucose levels are still fluctuating.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 24: October 24, 2011

Today Daniel took a swallowing test, where he had to drink a thick liquid to see how well he could keep it down.  He didn't do so well, so tomorrow he gets to do swallowing exercises.  His glucose levels are still fluctuating. Some good news, Daniel walked a total of 400 feet with his walker and assistance and he sat in his chair for five hours.  Also they put a different tracheotomy tube down his throat to let him be able to talk.  Getting closer to getting out of ICU, maybe tomorrow! 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 23: October 23, 2011

Daniel's glucose levels (sugar levels) are better today.  However, they are still not where they should be.  His glucose levels got as low as 33 last night and as high as 200 today (70 - 120 is normal).  His temperature has also gotten better but is still at a high of 99.  Daniel's heart rate is also still at a high of 130, although, he has been able to go from three heart medications down to one medication.  Also the MRI from the other day showed some swelling on the brain.  Highlights for today: Today was endurance day in physical therapy which means Daniel had to sit in a normal chair for two hours.  Also Daniel got a walker and walked 90 feet with a nurse on each side.  He is having a little trouble holding his head up but made it nonetheless.  Daniel was asked by his Uncle Ernie if he wanted his face shaved and he nodded his head yes.  Mom says he looks more like her Daniel now.  Our goal for Daniel is to move him from ICU to a normal room by Monday or Tuesday.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 22: October 22, 2011

We would like to let you know that Daniel had a restful night into the morning hours which is very good.  Giving his brain time to rest and heal.  Two concerns we are watching for today are Daniel's temperature which has been fluctuating as you know.  Today is has been at a 101.4 and a little bit lower but not much.  As many of you know Daniel is diabetic, this brings us to our second concern.  Daniel is a type one diabetic (juvenile diabetic) which he has dealt with for the last nine years and will for the rest of his life.  Since Daniel has been in the hospital with this accident his sugar levels (glucose levels) have been well within range (70-120 is normal).  Daniel's glucose levels have been slowly climbing for the last two days, today they reached 390.  These are the two concerns that will be watched and monitored throughout the day.  Some highlights for today; Daniel gave his visitors a smile and a thumbs up,  he mouthed to the doctor when asked a question, when his brother asked him if they looked alike Daniel shook his head no, his sense of humor is coming back and in physical therapy today Daniel was able to balance on his own.  Daniel had a therapist on each side of him as he stood and took three short baby steps.  While Daniel was laying in his bed his cousin Adam gave him a hug before he left and Daniel raised his arm and patted his back.   Today has been a good day.  The mood of this crisis has been greatly lightened do to all the kindness and care we have been given.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 21: October 21, 2011

No real change today.  Mom says he was very social with his visitors today, by social we mean big smiles for everyone!  In therapy today Daniel stood on his own!
Daniel's brother, Matt Jr., had a chat with him today.  They talked about eyebrows and if you could raise just one of your eyebrows.  Daniel responded by showing him how.  They also talked about scrunched noses and wiggling ears.  Daniel's response to these was showing junior up.  Mom got a kick out of them making facial responses to each other!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 20: October 20, 2011

MRI results!  Daniel's MRI results showed no shearing (shearing is where the solid and the liquid in a head injury are separated by accelerated force or heavier tissue slides over lighter tissue).  There was no shearing, that's a miracle!!!  The brain bleed on his right side is healing but is causing left side functionality. There was one blood clot and it has healed.  Daniel does have a little bit of bruising on the front inside part of his brain.  No signs of a stroke.  There is a concern of lighting that showed up on the MRI which indicates a lack of oxygen to the brain.  This means there is brain damage but we do not know the extant of it and it should be heal-able.  Due to Daniels throwing up yesterday there is a little infection at the bottom of both lungs. Daniel was put in a stand up position in therapy today.  He was able to stand up about fifty percent on his own!  Still no limb command responses.   We have rehabilitation consultation set up for Friday.

Daniel got to go for a stroll in the hospital today!  He was put in his chair and pushed around the second floor of the hospital.  He got some sunshine and almost some fresh air.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 19: October 19, 2011

Yesterday with Daniel's tracheotomy, they were able to take him off the ventilator today.  Daniel will be having therapy twice a day from this time forward.  During the am therapy they had Daniel sit on the edge of his bed.  Normal reaction is to put your hands down on your sides to brace yourself, although Daniel was not strong enough to hold himself up he did make the motion to brace himself which is a good thing.  Tomorrow they are hoping to have him stand on his own two feet.  Daniel sat up in the medical chair for almost two hours today.  Mom says she got a fleeting smile from him today.  Daniel had two cute girls that visited him today.  While they were talking and smiling at him, he smiled back. Sorry to all the other cute girls that had visited him previous and didn't get a smile, he wasn't quite ready yet.  Maybe on the next visit.  Daniel had one small complication today, he threw up which caused some stuff to go into his lungs.  Hopefully they won't have to put him back on the ventilator.  Daniel's scheduled at 4:30pm for an MRI.  Waiting for results.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 18: October 18, 2011

Daniel has received multiple, multiple cards, letters and get well notes from his church group, school mates and community.  Daniel and his family send out their deepest appreciation.  Although Daniel is unable to respond to the many letters, cards and notes that have been read to him by his family, we know he hears and deeply appreciates all these thoughts. Daniel had a comfortable night.  9:00am Daniel had physical therapy.  10:00am Daniel went in for a tracheotomy and a peg (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) in his stomach.  This is to remove the breathing tube in his throat and the feeding tube in his nose.  Should be an hour and a half surgery and an hour recovery.
To answer questions from comments, Daniel's NFL team is the Pittsburgh Steelers (but mom is going for the Ravens), his college team is the Florida Gaters and his second college choice is Boise State.
We had funny story take place that we would like to share with you.  Mom called Daniel's sister Rachael to let her know about Daniel's surgery today.  Mom told her they would be doing a tracheotomy and a peg.  She explained the tracheotomy was a hole in the throat for him to breath instead of through his mouth and the peg was a hole in his gut to put the feeding tube instead of through his nose.  Well Rachael started laughing at this and proceeded to tell her husband.  He started laughing at this as well.  When mom asked what was so funny they came to the realization that Rachael and her husband thought she said the peg was a hole in his butt instead of his gut. hehe!
Surgery went well!  Some time later that afternoon the doctor came in to see if there would be a response from Daniel on command.  The doctor asked Daniel to stick out his tongue and HE DID IT!  One step at a time, one day at a time.  He was also put in the chair again.  While he was sitting in the chair, Daniel and his brother watched the sports channel.  Not sure of his eye contact, but this is continuing therapy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 17: October 17, 2011

Today we would like to start out by explaining the chair Daniel got to sit in on Saturday.  The chair is a medical chair which lays flat like a bed and folds up into a sitting position.  They put the bed and chair side by side and Daniel was slid over and strapped in.  All of his apparatuses were brought over, feeding tube, breathing tube etc. and then it moves into a chair like position.  Daniel was put into this chair again today for an hour and a half.  Daniel's vitals are still doing good.  Heart medication seems to be taking care of his rapid heart rate.  Daniel started physical therapy today.  A physical therapist comes in and moves his arms, legs and hips.  However no response on command from Daniel.  Daniel seems to making small amounts of eye contact today.  Mom had the sports channel on in his room today and his eyes turned to it. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 16: October 16, 2011

Today Daniel decided to give mom a birthday present, he is moving spontaneously.  Thank you for your prayers on behalf of Daniel.  His vitals seem to be pretty steady today.  In rounds with the doctors and nurses at 11:30am they are optimistic that he will wake up.  However, they indicated that we need to be patient and it could take up to a month or two.  We continue to look for hopeful signs as he opens his eyes part way.  Still no response to commands.  Wait, watch and monitor. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 15: October 15, 2011

Today has been an emotional day for family.  Started out early with Daniel's heart rate climbing.  Four times today it has reached the low 150's high 160's.  Daniel was taken off his pain medication (Fentanyl) today, which has been a challenge for Daniel.  They moved Daniel from his bed to a chair for about an hour to give him a different position.  We were hoping today that he would respond to commands, for example asking him to raise his right arm or move a certain finger but that hasn't happened yet.  He does seem to respond somewhat to voices in the room or talking to him, he will open his eyes part way.  Along with his heart rate going up and down his temperature has been up and down with it.  Some good news is, Daniel is breathing on his own.  He still has his ventilator as a back up.  The next step we are looking for is for Daniel to wake up with command responses and actions. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 14: October 14, 2011

Today is a big day for Daniel.  1:30am they lowered Daniel's sodium chloride (salt) from 20 to 10.  At 5:00am his heart rate started to climb to 190.  They had to stop and restart his heart in order to bring his heart rate back down.  He was then put on two heart medications to help maintain his heart rate.  6:00am they took him off the sodium chloride (salt).  The salt helped to drain all the extra fluid that built up from swelling.  Since he was taken off the sodium they removed his antennas or the draining tubes coming off his head.  This also means his ICPs are maintaining at a normal level.  9:15am Daniel was taken off sedation and his pain medication was dropped from 130 to 50.  He is slowly starting to wake up now. 11:00am Daniel started breathing on his own and overriding the ventilator. 
This afternoon was tougher for Daniel.  He has had a temperature of 100.6 most of the day.  His heart rate is still high but manageable 120 - 130.  His pain medication was increased from 50 to 100.  Wait, watch and monitor.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 13: October 13, 2011

To start off today the Busick's would like to thank everyone for their fasting, prayers, support, love and thoughts.  We have definitely been blessed with the support, acts of kindness, love and the heavenly petitions on all our behalf's.  It is so wonderful to have family and friends.  Daniel is still in a deep sleep because of sedation and pain medication.  He is at times opening eyes half way, moving arms a little, yawning and assisting the ventilator.  We are hoping the ventilator will be the next thing to go.  Daniel has a temperature of 99.6 and coming down.  He will probably have a temperature during the healing process.  Medications have been adjusted to slowly lower the amount he needs.  Wait, watch and monitor. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 12: Ocotober 12, 2011

I would like to start off today by explaining a couple of procedure steps. Barbiturate coma (full coma) this is the coma that puts Daniel's head and brain at rest.  This portion of the coma he was taken out of yesterday.  Medical induced coma pertains to his body, which puts his body into a paralytic coma.  So he doesn't have to worry about breathing and body functions.  The next step is a lesser drug where his body is sedated.  The last step is where he will be taken out of sedation and woken up.  With all of that said, barbiturate coma off yesterday.  TODAY 9:00am Daniel was taken off the medical induced coma (paralytic coma).  Approximately 24hr period for that to wear off.  He is still in a sedated state.  Daniel has done well today, a little bit of a temperature 101 but coming down.  ICP's maintaining.  He was taken off blood pressure medicine.  Tomorrow they will begin the tests for brain functions, taking him in and out of sedation.  Let us share this with you, Daniel yawned three times and while having his head cleaned by the nurse raised an eyebrow, while he was coming down off the medical induced coma (paralytic coma).  Today is a great day. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 11: October 11, 2011

Daniel had a very good night and an early morning.  ICP levels, oxygen levels, heart rate, everything doing wonderful.  Even the four o'clock am x-ray went very well.  8:30am Daniel was taken off the barbiturate coma (full coma).  This will be a 24hr period of waiting and monitoring.  The Busick family would like to express their love and gratitude to all, as we continue to feel your thoughts and prayers on Daniel's journey.
The rest of the day had slight ups and downs.  Daniel's ICPs climbed into the low 30's and once in the low 40's, then settled back into the teens.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 10: October 10, 2011

Tough morning for Daniel.  4:00am x-ray.  He doesn't seem to like those.  ICPs up to low 30's from teens, due to that and right lung filled with mucus.  Oxygen dropped from ventilator, necessary to hand pump oxygen into his lungs.   7:15am suctioned out right lung.  Unable to take Daniel out of barbiturate coma (full coma) today.  Some concern about brain fluid is draining.  Waiting from further updates from the doctor.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 9: October 9, 2011

Daniel's still maintaining proper levels.  ICPs and heart rate are in a nice range.  Oxygen was increased from 60 percent to 70 percent.  Temperature has dropped to 95.7.  Warming blanket placed on him to increase temperature.  Wait, watch and monitor.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 8: October 8, 2011

Daniel had very good night.  ICPs stayed stable.  Temperature is down from 101 to 97.6 as indicated in early days update.  4:00am x-ray showed that his right lung had minimal mucus.   When Daniel maintains his ICPs for 24hrs they will take him off of full coma.  WE ARE THERE!!! 9:30am they took Daniel off the barbiturate drug (full coma).  It will take one hour to get it out of his system.  Watch, wait and monitor to see how he does.
Daniel did not take well to the change.  Throughout the day temperature rose to 101, ICPs maintained in the low 30's and heart rate up 105 to 109 (best range is mid to high 80's).  Right lung was given some concern with mucus. Suctioned twice throughout the day.  7:00pm Daniel was put back on the barbiturate drug (full coma). Throughout the night Daniel leveled back down. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7: October 7, 2011

After Daniel's high climb of ICPs last night, he has had good balanced ICPs.  Temperature at 101.  4:20am x-ray taken for precautions of right lung filling with mucus.  7:30am ICPs climb slowly.  8:45am suctioned right lung of mucus.  Mucus is clear, no sign of infection.  They will begin to suction it out more often as it develops to maintain ICPs.  Daniel seems to be adapting well to removing mucus.  Oxygen was at 80 percent yesterday he is now set back up to 100 percent oxygen.
Everything has been good and stable for the rest of the morning.
Afternoon has been very good.  Oxygen reduced to 70 percent.  ICP numbers steady throughout the whole afternoon.  Overall it has been a very good day, hopeful.  If everything stays stable they will be able to take him out of his full coma tomorrow.  However, keep in mind it will be an all day process.  We are optimistic that we will be able to start the process.  Mom and Dad left the hospital for the first time today for a good home cooked meal with family.  We want to let all of you know that your fasting, prayers and thoughts have been and are felt.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 6: October 6, 2011

Another difficult day for Daniel.  ICPs climbing throughout the day.  Concern with ICP numbers climbing since 5:00am  8:00am x-ray. Some mucus build up in right lung.  He did have two hour blocks of nice ICP numbers 11 to 21 range.  Otherwise up and down, high teens to low 40's consistently throughout the day.  4:00pm another x-ray, right lung full of mucus.  5:00pm suctioned out right lung.  Oxygen levels good now, ICPs good now.  Temperature most of the day at 100.0.  Measures taken all day to maintain temperature.  Not much progress today.  We're hopeful his ICPs will remain in range the remainder of the evening.  Our goal for Daniel is to maintain his ICPs no higher than 20 for a 24hr period.  Then we can began to wake him up out of his coma.
Throughout the day Daniel was also hyperventilated three times (increased oxygen/breathing rate to help decrease ICPs).
Daniel's difficult day continues 10:45pm ICPs start to rise.  Rose as high as 59 for four minutes.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 5: October 5, 2011

Difficult day for Daniel.  Temperature throughout the night.  Up to 100.7.  Sodium Chloride medication was reduced in half throughout the night due to dehydration.  ICPs began to climb high 30's low 40's.  5:00am Daniel was put in a full coma.  Right lung full of mucus, left lung partly full of mucus.  Lungs were suctioned out.   Brain oxygen went down lower than 17.  Temperature down to 97.7.  Daniel's ICP numbers have been high for most of the day 30's to 40's.  Oxygen levels good, maintaining 32 to 39.  Waiting, watching and monitoring.             
Daniel's day did not have much progress.  He had a two hour period of good ICP numbers, 11 to 19.  Remainder of day trying to maintain ICP numbers.  Mostly 28 to 47 range.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 4: October 4, 2011

ICPs up all night long, 35 to 45 range, again 50+ is critical for brain damage concern.  8:20am Determined right lung was full of mucus and debris, causing lack of oxygen to brain.  Daniel also has a temperature of 101.9.  Right lung was suctioned to remove mucus plug.  Cooling blanket was placed under his body to reduce fever.  They also placed probes (which measure brain activity) on Daniel's head to prepare him for a full coma.  Medication levels where increased.  Remainder of day ICPs dropped between 11 and 17, this is comforting.  Daniel's temperature back to normal 98.6.  8:30pm 12 hours later Daniel's medication levels are slowly be lowered, due to his ICP levels throughout the day. 

Day 3: October 3, 2011

This is where it all started phone call to parents 3:23am.  Parents are staying in a fifth wheel trailer in the hospital parking lot.  Head nurse stated they need to see them right away.  Daniel's ICPs went to well over 80 which is four times higher than where it should be regulated at.  Oxygen level went from 40 to four.  This condition lasted five to seven minutes.  With an overall 15 minutes of over 80 ICPs.  Doctor indicated to parents severe brain damage, "I'm sorry nothing more can be done."  Due to the fact, his older brother was arriving 5pm that afternoon, consideration was given to keep him in the medically induced coma so his brother could have closure.  Parents left, after a very short time his ICPs came back in line, oxygen levels came back in line as well as brain activity.  The head doctor stated, "we are not giving up on this young man" and "we need to have hope."  What a roller coaster ride for Daniel, family, friends and loved ones.   After all that occurred this day the head doctor stated, "It's been a good day" of improvement for Daniel.

Day 2: October 2, 2011

Increased ICPs throughout the day.  Highs and lows which seem to be uncontrollable.  Lots of waiting time.

Day 1: October 1, 2011

Daniel was placed in a medically induced coma.  Precaution measures put in place to monitor and watch cranial pressures.  Swelling developing.  Internal Cranial Pressure (ICP) moderate.

September 30, 2011

Daniel's accident happened on I-15 just South of Dubois, Idaho 9:23pm. While traveling with his parents to attend General Conference we stopped for a brief moment Daniel was in a bizarre freak accident.  Where he fell 15-20ft into a bed of rocks, he was air lifted to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (EIRMC).  He was breathing but unresponsive he arrived at EIRMC at 11:36pm.  Daniel suffered a major skull fracture, two bleeds on the brain, one between the brain and the skull, and the other on the brain.  One blood clot and laceration on the back of his head they stapled closed.  No other injuries detected.