Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 12: Ocotober 12, 2011

I would like to start off today by explaining a couple of procedure steps. Barbiturate coma (full coma) this is the coma that puts Daniel's head and brain at rest.  This portion of the coma he was taken out of yesterday.  Medical induced coma pertains to his body, which puts his body into a paralytic coma.  So he doesn't have to worry about breathing and body functions.  The next step is a lesser drug where his body is sedated.  The last step is where he will be taken out of sedation and woken up.  With all of that said, barbiturate coma off yesterday.  TODAY 9:00am Daniel was taken off the medical induced coma (paralytic coma).  Approximately 24hr period for that to wear off.  He is still in a sedated state.  Daniel has done well today, a little bit of a temperature 101 but coming down.  ICP's maintaining.  He was taken off blood pressure medicine.  Tomorrow they will begin the tests for brain functions, taking him in and out of sedation.  Let us share this with you, Daniel yawned three times and while having his head cleaned by the nurse raised an eyebrow, while he was coming down off the medical induced coma (paralytic coma).  Today is a great day. 


  1. This is wonderful news. We will keep praying. We want you to know that we think of you all the time and are praying for both you and Daniel.

  2. Such hopeful news! We will keep praying for Daniels full recovery!

  3. So glad to feel the hope. We're all thinking of you -- and praying for Daniel. Cattron family

  4. Great news! Your family is always in our thoughts and prayers.

  5. That is great news the Carvey family will be preying for Dano and the Busick family.

    Carvey family

  6. Morgan is finally smiling! The daily updates have been such a blessing to him and us. Morgan told us one of Daniel's favorite things to say about getting hurt is "put some dirt on it"! There has been a lot of dirt used on Daniel - ha ha! We're all praying dearly for Daniel and all the family!! Miss you tons Becky! Love the Bodily Family

  7. Yay, we are so happy that he is on his way back. Go, Dano!

  8. We pray for small miracles and don't you know, the Lord delivers! Way to go, Dano, on yawning and an arched eyebrow! Hugs to all the Busick family from the Cummins

  9. Yay this is such great news! I hope things continue to go well. Prayers are still coming your way from my family and I.

  10. That is AWESOME news we will keep you
    All and Daniel in our prayers. Hoping that tomorrow
    Is the day he gets to wake up. GOD BLESS you all

  11. Was so delighted to hear this news today. i am a friend of Daniel's Aunt Melissa and have been following Daniel's Journey from the beginning. Please know that many many prayers have been sent your way from Long Island, and they will continue. May God bless you all. Lorraine

  12. A raised eyebrow? He's just following the council from conference...
    "Look Up!"
    You're an inspiration to us all. We don't know you personally Daniel, but we know your parents really well...and the apple never falls far from the tree. ...we have no doubt that you are an amazing person.
    Our love to all the Busick's!
    The Vogelsberg's

  13. We are so happy for everybody, awesome news! Continued good wishes for more progress from the Barth's Take care
    Doug and Susie

  14. Wow! Such great news! Continued prayers for Daniel and your family!

  15. You don't know me but I am Hanna Ronish's Aunt in Oregon and I have been following your Journey and really praying for a post like this, I am so happy for your great day and will pray tonight that it is the first of many!! Your family is always in my thoughts!!

  16. So happy to hear good news!! I hope it just gets better from here! We are definitely praying hard and sending our love!!!!!

  17. We are so happy to hear of improvement. I have a strong testimony of prayer and fasting. Lots of love the Arave family

  18. Go Daniel, go Daniel! Yes! Cheering for you all the way! Continued good thoughts and prayers for the whole family.

  19. YAY!!! We are so happy to hear about his great day!! Even though our lives are busy, little reminders through the day bring our thoughts back to you guys. We pray for Daniel's full recovery and for you all to return safely home. What else can we do to help? Is everything being taken care of at home? Just let us know! We're only down the road...

  20. Yippee! Thank you for the explanations! This is such good news. I pray that he will continue to get better and better. Is there anything that I or our singles group due for you and your family?
