Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 24: October 24, 2011

Today Daniel took a swallowing test, where he had to drink a thick liquid to see how well he could keep it down.  He didn't do so well, so tomorrow he gets to do swallowing exercises.  His glucose levels are still fluctuating. Some good news, Daniel walked a total of 400 feet with his walker and assistance and he sat in his chair for five hours.  Also they put a different tracheotomy tube down his throat to let him be able to talk.  Getting closer to getting out of ICU, maybe tomorrow! 


  1. So grateful to hear more wonderful news! Keep it up Daniel, you are amazing!!

  2. Truly amazing! See you at the finish line!! The ostler's =)

  3. What an amazing journey! I sit here with tears of joy filling my eyes. Daniel, may God continue to bless you as you do the hard work of physical therapy. We continue to keep you all in our prayers.
    Kathi and Dave Champagne

  4. Daniel you are putting up with more than many people ever have to. Good news about the marathon. Keep on Daniel! We're here to cheer you on--and we are praying for you.

  5. I'll bet you can't wait to hear his first words. It's good to see continual progress. That is great on his walking and sitting.
