Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 18: October 18, 2011

Daniel has received multiple, multiple cards, letters and get well notes from his church group, school mates and community.  Daniel and his family send out their deepest appreciation.  Although Daniel is unable to respond to the many letters, cards and notes that have been read to him by his family, we know he hears and deeply appreciates all these thoughts. Daniel had a comfortable night.  9:00am Daniel had physical therapy.  10:00am Daniel went in for a tracheotomy and a peg (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) in his stomach.  This is to remove the breathing tube in his throat and the feeding tube in his nose.  Should be an hour and a half surgery and an hour recovery.
To answer questions from comments, Daniel's NFL team is the Pittsburgh Steelers (but mom is going for the Ravens), his college team is the Florida Gaters and his second college choice is Boise State.
We had funny story take place that we would like to share with you.  Mom called Daniel's sister Rachael to let her know about Daniel's surgery today.  Mom told her they would be doing a tracheotomy and a peg.  She explained the tracheotomy was a hole in the throat for him to breath instead of through his mouth and the peg was a hole in his gut to put the feeding tube instead of through his nose.  Well Rachael started laughing at this and proceeded to tell her husband.  He started laughing at this as well.  When mom asked what was so funny they came to the realization that Rachael and her husband thought she said the peg was a hole in his butt instead of his gut. hehe!
Surgery went well!  Some time later that afternoon the doctor came in to see if there would be a response from Daniel on command.  The doctor asked Daniel to stick out his tongue and HE DID IT!  One step at a time, one day at a time.  He was also put in the chair again.  While he was sitting in the chair, Daniel and his brother watched the sports channel.  Not sure of his eye contact, but this is continuing therapy.


  1. We pray the operation helps and doesn't affect or slow down his progress. We are praying for him and think of him many times throughout each day. He'll probably enjoy having that breathing tube out of his way when he wants to communicate.

  2. Laughter is a great thing to lighten the mood that is funny and I love the part about him sticking out his tounge LOL! Each day is a blessing and Daniel keeps getting stronger and stronger AMEN to that. Have a great night get some sleep and we will check back tomorrow.

  3. Go Steelers!
    Sorry Becky, I'm on Daniels side right now...though you better not tell Nancy Kruger...she'll come and hit me with a baseball bat me in my sleep.
    Did you know that Pat and Nancy are in our ward?
    So fun!
    Love you my friend!

  4. Oh my gosh! That is so wonderful about him sticking out his tongue! Onward and upward. Glad the surgery went well too. We are all hanging in there with you. Best Wishes!

  5. So exiting to hear about his progress. Thank you for blogging so we all can know what is happening.

    Love and prayers from the Ziegler family.

  6. Our family is so excited to hear that Daniel stuck out his tongue on command. It made us smile and laugh. It is truly wonderful!!! Woop, woop!~

  7. Levi says, that is something Daniel would do (sticking his tongue out) This is wonderful. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all every day.This journey is our journey too! We walk with our hearts knit together as one. Love and hugs to all. Love The Ostler Family
