Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 13: October 13, 2011

To start off today the Busick's would like to thank everyone for their fasting, prayers, support, love and thoughts.  We have definitely been blessed with the support, acts of kindness, love and the heavenly petitions on all our behalf's.  It is so wonderful to have family and friends.  Daniel is still in a deep sleep because of sedation and pain medication.  He is at times opening eyes half way, moving arms a little, yawning and assisting the ventilator.  We are hoping the ventilator will be the next thing to go.  Daniel has a temperature of 99.6 and coming down.  He will probably have a temperature during the healing process.  Medications have been adjusted to slowly lower the amount he needs.  Wait, watch and monitor. 


  1. Hope the respirator comes out soon so Dano can take another big step on the road to recovery! Prayers out to the Busick family!

  2. many prayers and healing thoughts...

  3. Praying for more positive changes today and for
    The ventilater to be the next thing that Dano
    Gets rid of Lots of prayers for healing today
    And that he wakes up soon .
    Have a good day and GOD BLESS you all
    We will check in later.

    Love you all the Walters family
