Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 19: October 19, 2011

Yesterday with Daniel's tracheotomy, they were able to take him off the ventilator today.  Daniel will be having therapy twice a day from this time forward.  During the am therapy they had Daniel sit on the edge of his bed.  Normal reaction is to put your hands down on your sides to brace yourself, although Daniel was not strong enough to hold himself up he did make the motion to brace himself which is a good thing.  Tomorrow they are hoping to have him stand on his own two feet.  Daniel sat up in the medical chair for almost two hours today.  Mom says she got a fleeting smile from him today.  Daniel had two cute girls that visited him today.  While they were talking and smiling at him, he smiled back. Sorry to all the other cute girls that had visited him previous and didn't get a smile, he wasn't quite ready yet.  Maybe on the next visit.  Daniel had one small complication today, he threw up which caused some stuff to go into his lungs.  Hopefully they won't have to put him back on the ventilator.  Daniel's scheduled at 4:30pm for an MRI.  Waiting for results.


  1. Sounds like small steps are being made, grateful to hear the hopeful news! Continued prayers for Dano and Busick family

  2. Aren't those smiles precious?!!! So glad to hear that he is making progress.

  3. Thank you for the updates. I look forward to reading
    The updates for Daniel and seeing him progress
    More an more each day. Always praying for Daniel
    And the Busick family
