Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 17: October 17, 2011

Today we would like to start out by explaining the chair Daniel got to sit in on Saturday.  The chair is a medical chair which lays flat like a bed and folds up into a sitting position.  They put the bed and chair side by side and Daniel was slid over and strapped in.  All of his apparatuses were brought over, feeding tube, breathing tube etc. and then it moves into a chair like position.  Daniel was put into this chair again today for an hour and a half.  Daniel's vitals are still doing good.  Heart medication seems to be taking care of his rapid heart rate.  Daniel started physical therapy today.  A physical therapist comes in and moves his arms, legs and hips.  However no response on command from Daniel.  Daniel seems to making small amounts of eye contact today.  Mom had the sports channel on in his room today and his eyes turned to it. 


  1. Gotta love sports and what it does for guys! Glad they are starting therapy and getting him "moving." He is such a great kid and a fighter.

  2. Any progress is a blessing, keep up the good work Dano. Continued prayers for Dano and the Busick family!

  3. I agree any progress is good. Each day will get
    Better glad he is getting physical therapy
    That will help. Daniel is a fighter and he will wake
    Up soon it all takes time but sounds like he is making
    Great progress. GOD BLESS you all and we
    Are still praying hard. Love to you all.
    The Walters Family

  4. We don't comment daily, but we do read his blog every night before prayer. Thanks for the updates...what's Daniel's favorite team? We'll start rooting for them too. :)
    The Vogelsberg's
