Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 22: October 22, 2011

We would like to let you know that Daniel had a restful night into the morning hours which is very good.  Giving his brain time to rest and heal.  Two concerns we are watching for today are Daniel's temperature which has been fluctuating as you know.  Today is has been at a 101.4 and a little bit lower but not much.  As many of you know Daniel is diabetic, this brings us to our second concern.  Daniel is a type one diabetic (juvenile diabetic) which he has dealt with for the last nine years and will for the rest of his life.  Since Daniel has been in the hospital with this accident his sugar levels (glucose levels) have been well within range (70-120 is normal).  Daniel's glucose levels have been slowly climbing for the last two days, today they reached 390.  These are the two concerns that will be watched and monitored throughout the day.  Some highlights for today; Daniel gave his visitors a smile and a thumbs up,  he mouthed to the doctor when asked a question, when his brother asked him if they looked alike Daniel shook his head no, his sense of humor is coming back and in physical therapy today Daniel was able to balance on his own.  Daniel had a therapist on each side of him as he stood and took three short baby steps.  While Daniel was laying in his bed his cousin Adam gave him a hug before he left and Daniel raised his arm and patted his back.   Today has been a good day.  The mood of this crisis has been greatly lightened do to all the kindness and care we have been given.


  1. So glad to hear of his great progress! Praying the temp drops to normal and blood sugars stay in line! Keep up the good work Dano

  2. We love you, Keep on Keeping on!
    The Cummins Family

  3. It's wonderful to hear of Daniel's progress!! Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Keep it up Daniel!!

  4. I know that he is still struggling, but the leaps and bounds that he makes every day are miraculous!! The amazing progress he has made in just 3 shorts weeks is just astounding! YAY, DANIEL!!! Keep up the good fight! ~The McCrackens

  5. despite the temp. fluctuations and blood sugar levels, but Daniel's progress so far is amazing!...Prayers for further progress and stabilization!

  6. We will contiune to pray that Daniel's temp and blood sugar go back to normal range. Daniel is truely a MIRACLE Thank you God. God Bless you all and Daniel Love the Walter's Family

  7. So glad to hear such good news. I have been passing his progress along on to our singles. Daniel is doing a great job and is such a warrior! You are not alone.

  8. I'm so glad to hear that his sense of humor is coming back. We have been praying for him every day and earlier this week I began to think that I should be praying for something more specific than just that he would get better. So I have been praying that he would be able to have his sense of humor so that it would buoy those around him and help to sustain him through the challenges that still lie ahead. I know that God hears my prayers and those of everyone else who has been praying for him. May He continue to bless you all. :)
