Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 5: October 5, 2011

Difficult day for Daniel.  Temperature throughout the night.  Up to 100.7.  Sodium Chloride medication was reduced in half throughout the night due to dehydration.  ICPs began to climb high 30's low 40's.  5:00am Daniel was put in a full coma.  Right lung full of mucus, left lung partly full of mucus.  Lungs were suctioned out.   Brain oxygen went down lower than 17.  Temperature down to 97.7.  Daniel's ICP numbers have been high for most of the day 30's to 40's.  Oxygen levels good, maintaining 32 to 39.  Waiting, watching and monitoring.             
Daniel's day did not have much progress.  He had a two hour period of good ICP numbers, 11 to 19.  Remainder of day trying to maintain ICP numbers.  Mostly 28 to 47 range.


  1. Matt and Becky... We love your family. Please know that our prayers are with you. I have been thinking a lot about the many Sundays with Daniel in my Sunday School Class and my many encounters with him at the High School. Dan could always bring a smile to my face and a snicker to my day even when I probably shouldn't have been laughing.
    Please know that we are with you even from clear up here in Canada.
    Love you guys,

  2. Keep up the fight Daniel. Matt and Becky we
    Are praying hard for your family and for Daniel
    To get stronger each day and walk out of that
    Hospital and go home.
    Lots of LOVE TO YOU ALL and God Bless
    Tammi Darryl Ashley and Cody Walters

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Busick Family,

    Our family has had your family and especially Daniel in our thoughts and every prayer and will continue to do so as we anxiously await updates on Daniel and your family.

    James, Cynthia, Samantha & Steven
    Kalispell 2nd Ward

  5. We will pray harder that today is better and he has
    Alot of improvement. Thinking of you all.
    Prayers are being sent this morning that today will
    Provide more improvement.
    Love you all,
    The Walters Family Tammi Darryl Ashley Cody

  6. Our thoughts and Prayers are with your whole family. I am praying that the Lords will be done and no matter what the outcome that there will be peace and comfort in your hearts.

    The Ziegler Family , Don , Jo Ellen, Eric, Diana, Nichole Ivie, Mariah Stewart
